

kabo-wiki-hive - multilingual-wiki

face kabo-wiki-hive - multilingual-wiki - face kabo-wiki-hive - multilingual-wiki - face-feed [en]+[xx]-

about to be adapted

There are no new texts or translations on the page multilingual text, the language check boxes in the header are still missing. There have been some improvements in the wiki-net recently the multilingual-wiki is about to be adapted to.



kabo-wiki-hive - multilingual-wiki

wiki-net kabo-wiki-hive - multilingual-wiki - wiki-net wiki-net-feed [en]+[xx]-

The wiki-net of the multilingual-wiki:

machine code block

who help who help

The wiki-net pages for the main pages:

wiki-net changes wiki-net changes

wiki-net feeds complete wiki-net feeds complete

wiki-net soups wiki-net soups

The wiki-net pages for the day-page-sets:

wiki-net day-page-sets wiki-net day-page-sets

wiki-net faces wiki-net faces

wiki-net lists wiki-net lists

wiki-net local names wiki-net local names

wiki-net talk wiki-net talk

wiki-net tings wiki-net tings

wiki-net wiki ideas wiki-net wiki ideas

The wiki-net pages for the search queries:

wiki-net groups wiki-net groups

wiki-net Mµs wiki-net Mµs

end machine code block

about the latest modification

Mattis Manzel:

Removed the wiki-net net clips. Restructured the list. Fixed the neighborhood.



kabo-wiki-hive - multilingual-wiki

web-site list kabo-wiki-hive - multilingual-wiki - web-site list web-site-list-feed [en]+[xx]-

Multilingual web-sites and web-sites about multilingual communication are included into their home pages in the multilingual-wiki. The feeds for the web-sites are listed on the page kabo-wiki-hive - multilingual-wiki - web-site feeds web-site feeds.

http://bit.ly/1mFTR7e ← = is included into the multilingual-wiki from the web-site xxx


  1. multilingual-wiki - multilingual-wiki, a center-wiki for multilingual web-sites and web-sites about multilingual commnication

    kabo-list-wiki - multilingual-wiki [en]+[xx]-

other web-sites:

  • not yet

about the latest modification

Mattis Manzel:

Restructured the list.
